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No doubt about it, Winter is here! Parts of the country in a blanket of snow, Plus lockdown the nights are pretty miserable right now! Many people are out of routine, stressed, and struggling to get a night of quality sleep.

Introducing The Floral Infused Dreamscentz™ Throw from Avon

Fragrances as relaxation aids have been around for thousands of years. The benefits of aromatherapy are well known. The calming powers of other essential oils continue to benefit whoever uses them.

This revolutionary Avon Floral infused throw goes one step further, by using modern technology developed in the UK called Dreamscentz™.

Musk is comforting, lavender calming. These scents have been expertly blended and infused into the throw.

Wrap yourself in this scented and snuggly Avon Floral infused throw with soothing floral notes, musk and lavender to help you unwind. Snuggle up and rub the throw to release the soothing scent. 

Floral Infused Dreamscentz™ Throw by Avon

The scent will last up to 20 washes, making this excellent value for £29

This product has now sold out on the Avon website... but you can check our Avon Instant Brochure out here for great deals

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